JavaScript Projects

Logic Projects

Palindrome Checker

Machine that checks whether a word or phrase is a palindrome

img logic 1 A palindrome is a word or sentence that's spelled the same way both forward and backward, ignoring punctuation, upper/lower case, and spacing.

Roman Num Converter

Machine that transforms numbers into Roman numerals

img logic 2 Convert the given number into a roman numeral. All roman numerals answers should be provided in upper-case, and must be between 0 and 4000.

Caesar Cipher Machine

Machine that encrypts or decrypts texts and makes them passwords undecipherables

img logic 3 One of the simplest and most well-known ciphers is the Caesar Displacement Cipher. A common modern use is the ROT13 encryption.

Phone Num Validator

Machine that validates United States telephone number formats

img logic 4 The system includes several pre-established formats, discarding invalid patterns for a specific geographical area.

The Jewel Show

Absolute precision machine, handling decimals with JavaScript

img logic 5 Delight yourself with these wonderful jewels. Try to empty the money from the return box, and you'll receive a reward. Remember the price of the jewels; you will also have the chance to earn the Unknown stone.

DOM Manipulation Projects

Colors Palette

Randomly generate, and add or delete a pretty colors to your palette

img dom 1 Immerse yourself in a simple app that will give you amazing colors for your toys or projects.

2nd Project DOM

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti, sequi hic magni itaque illo ex ut, exercitationem autem eaque inventore voluptatem necessitatibus. Tempore, optio quod.

img dom 2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Delectus, dolorum.

3rd Project DOM

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Perferendis debitis tenetur inventore corrupti nam quae praesentium eum accusantium. Assumenda, ullam eum aliquam velit nostrum vero.

img dom 3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Blanditiis, ipsam!

4th Project DOM

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Similique, saepe? Alias nesciunt quis quae, molestias reiciendis ratione omnis tempora ipsam, in aliquid voluptate fugiat ullam?

img dom 4 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Mollitia, suscipit.

5th Project DOM

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Omnis, maiores sunt quod expedita odio consectetur quos similique sequi sed quia ullam voluptas magni, neque explicabo.

img dom 5 Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tenetur, nesciunt?